Return and Refund Policy

1. 订购之商品一旦拆封,恕不能退货。

The merchandise can not be returned once the merchandise packaging box is unsealed.

2. 收到货品7日后,恕不接受退货,此7日并非试用期,退回商品必须是全新状态且包装完整。

We don’t accept returns after 7 days of purchase. Please note that the 7 days of purchase is not a trial period. The returned merchandise must be new, and in an unsealed packaging condition as when we shipped to you.

3. 退货程序:(Return Procedure:)

– 请来信(电邮)或电话取得退货表格

Please call or email us for a return form.

– 如符合退货评估,即通知退货凭证号

We will assign a return merchandise authorization number for the return after evaluating your return reason and merchandise condition is acceptable.

– 将所要退的商品及本公司赠予之商品一并寄回本公司。提醒您,退货之运费须由客户自行负责。

You will also need to return the free gift when you return your order. Please note that the return shipping charge is at your own cost.

– 收到退货后,本公司验证无瑕疵,即会为客户办理退费,通常为5-7日。

Once we receive your return and evaluate the merchandise is in a good condition, we will process the refund. It usually takes about 5-7 days.